Baking made simple · It's a piece of cake

Gluten-Free Baked Cheesecake crushed with little feet


My gorgeous nieces from Norway (7 and 9 years old) just love to help me bake or create something in the kitchen. And I love to teach them new tricks. And while it bakes they spend the time working out how to eat it ๐Ÿ˜‹.

We try to communicate with my little Norwegian, and their better English. And my mother-in-law as the key translator. It can be so funny trying to interpret……”put that in there” pointing all the time. This recipe we had lots of fun with, and it is quick to make up. The only thing is they had to wait for it to bake for an hour in the oven. And it is best eaten the next day!! Which meant they spent that night and next day, working out how it will taste.

The oldest niece unfortunately could not eat gluten. So we managed to find gluten-free biscuits and used this for our base. The girls found this one fun to make, because we didn’t have a robochef or rolling pin to crush the biscuits. So we had to improvise, they broke the biscuits up into a bag. Put it on the floor……. and stomped all over the bag. They loved telling their papa, how he was going to be eating their foot crushed biscuits ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.

I highly recommend you enjoy this recipe with your little angels ๐Ÿ‘ผ

We baked this one with berries we picked, but it also tastes amazing with apricot halves.

vanilla extract<br

ries and ย blueberries or tin of apricots

n to 165 degrees Celsius.<br
ts (in a Robochef or plastic bag with a rolling pin or little nieces stomping on the plastic bag with their feet). Mix in the melted butter. Press down the mixture in a 9 inch tin, 1 inch high. Place in the oven for 8-10 minutes, till golden.<br
ese, vanilla and sugar in a mixing bowl. Mix with an electric mixer. Add the eggs in and mix on a low speed. Make sure it's combined really well<br
e onto the biscuit layer.<br
es and blueberries (apricot halves) in the mixture. Make sure all areas of the tin is covered with fruit.<br
hallow baking tray. And place in the oven for 50 minutes or until the centre is not wobbly.<br
n and allow to cool before you try open the tin. Otherwise it may collapse.<br
and is delicious to eat the next day.

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