Baking made simple · It's a piece of cake

Gluten-Free Baked Cheesecake crushed with little feet

My gorgeous nieces from Norway (7 and 9 years old) just love to help me bake or create something in the kitchen. And I love to teach them new tricks. And while it bakes they spend the time working out how to eat it 😋. We try to communicate with my little Norwegian, and their… Continue reading Gluten-Free Baked Cheesecake crushed with little feet

Baking made simple · cake · It's a piece of cake

The little hungry caterpillar- Mixed berry cake

My little one is about to turn 1!!! On Christmas Day...... yes I know I know it was a miracle, he decided to come out a month early 😍. Best Christmas present ever for my husband and I. To help make the month special for him, I've been on a mission to have something nice… Continue reading The little hungry caterpillar- Mixed berry cake

Baking made simple · cake · It's a piece of cake

Seriously is it December! It’s not too late to feed a fruit cake for Christmas!

I love this time of year. That aromatic, gorgeous smell of fruit cake baking at home, puts you in that Christmas spirit. My husband is not a fan of fruit cake, but the smell of it baking in the oven, he just loves. Those fruity, cinnamon, nutmeg aromas that it releases. And I'm sure you… Continue reading Seriously is it December! It’s not too late to feed a fruit cake for Christmas!

Baking made simple · cake · It's a piece of cake

Cupcakes little delights or total nightmare???

When you have a light, fluffy cupcake it's a joy to eat and admire, with a delicious buttercream topping!! But not sure if you have suffered from cupcake baking. Argh 😤 the amount of things that can go wrong!! Sunken.... over spillage.....over risen....unequal sizes...... square 😫 I thought I had cracked a good cupcake. But… Continue reading Cupcakes little delights or total nightmare???

Wedding Cakes

The big conversion

"The Big Conversion" For the past four years, my husband has been telling me we should move to Spain. Every time I would groan, "but I don't know anyone" or "my family are all in London". But he would keep trying to convince me. Finally a year ago while I was pregnant, with my son.… Continue reading The big conversion

Baking made simple · cake · It's a piece of cake

Just a slice of Chocolate Cake? “The hidden vegetable – courgette”

At first sight, this chocolatey cake looks so naughty. Simmer down 😃 you can enjoy, without worrying so much. Oh no.... too much sugar..... too much butter...... With the increase in children parties. It has become more important to find recipes that have less butter, sugar and substitutes for nuts. And yet to find a… Continue reading Just a slice of Chocolate Cake? “The hidden vegetable – courgette”

Baking made simple · cake · It's a piece of cake

It’s like Play-doh; Modelling Fondant

I just love using modelling fondant. It takes me back to my childhood...... playing with play-doh 😍. Remember those days, being creative and mixing up colours? Well you can still be a kid😁. I get my son involved too. When I'm making leaves, we spend time in the garden picking leaves together. It's so simple,… Continue reading It’s like Play-doh; Modelling Fondant

It's a piece of cake

“Meringues” a Dummies Guide

Meringues used to always be one of my fears to make. Just because, I'm terrible with being extra careful in splitting the egg whites from the yolk. But my husband loves a good Eton mess. So I had no choice but to give it a go. Between my friend, from University and I, we tested… Continue reading “Meringues” a Dummies Guide

It's a piece of cake

Mummy ready to catch me? Oaty fruity biscuits

Please tell me it's not just me! My little one is just too fast for me. I just took my eye off him for a few seconds and the next thing I know, he's managed to grab the salty Ritz box.... crackers all over the the floor and he's happily munching away 😫. I felt… Continue reading Mummy ready to catch me? Oaty fruity biscuits

Baking made simple

Monday morning feeling…..go healthy, organic…. But first Coffee

Ever had that problem on a Monday morning!!!! "I need to get back into healthy mode after the weekend!!!" Last night I decided to bake homemade granola. My husband asked me..... "Why?? When we can buy it?" I don't know about you, but I am constantly having that problem of finding a granola, that's healthy… Continue reading Monday morning feeling…..go healthy, organic…. But first Coffee